Friday 6 April 2018

Popular attractions in Dolls Point, Sydney, New South Wales

Population: According to the 2011 census of Population there were 1,784 residents in Dolls Point. 39.5% stated they were born overseas with the top countries of birth being Greece 3.9% China 2.9% New Zealand 2.7% England 2.4% and Egypt 2.2% English was stated as the only language spoken at home by 58.0% of residents and the most common other languages spoken were Greek 11.6% Arabic 4.1% Spanish 3.1% Macedonian 2.4% and Mandarin 2.3%. The most common responses for religious affiliation were Catholic 29.1% Orthodox 17.5% and Anglican 13.6%. Commercial area: A small group of shops along with the Sans Souci Library are located at the intersection of Clareville Avenue and Russell Avenue on the border with Sans Souci and Sandringham.